Welcome to Transport Payables©2024
Top-notch transport road-receipt storage, at its best, whether you own one or fifty trucks.
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A little background information about our company, for starters: Sutton Power, LLC. owns and manages Transport Payables. We are a federally registered company, based in Alabama and New Jersey, and have been involved with transport and data management for many decades. Our data side has been a permanent fixture in the lives of many owner-operators, trucking companies, and accountants nationwide, and we thank you for this opportunity to share our system of receipt management for your business. Your truck and our password-protected program with receipt tracking will work well for you and your business, as it does for thousands of truckers in America.
If EVER you are summoned to an IRS or STATE audit, or court hearing, for any data accessibility standards, immediately let us know. We will appear in that court with you on behalf of our lawyers AT NO COST TO YOU. This is our steady promise to all of Transport Payables' members, always. No data program will back you like Transport Payables. Print this as our promise, period. A database with twenty records in it is not as impressive as a database with EVERY receipt for the year! Enter all your receipts. You MUST keep good records, so here's your opportunity. Read on and see how this works.
Tough economic times even now demonstrate that keeping perfect business records is an absolute must. Spend some time with us, as you're already here!
Manage & print all your receipts yourself starting today!
You can't carry a paper bag full of receipts to an IRS or STATE audit.
Let us show you how to use the secure data power of Transport Payables. Stay out of trouble, using our very easy, unique receipt system.
You must maintain good business records, especially during these rough times.
The average owner-operator generates six to ten receipts per day, excluding tolls. Some, like registration, insurance, Federal 2290 fees, and taxes come up when you're not even running. These, and all receipts and business expenses are called payables. Keeping up with their totals is impossible, coupled with the truck driving needed to complete the work. The easy way to handle them is to throw them in a pile, and plan to sort them at some future time. That rarely works. When you're home, who wants to spend time with receipts? When you're working, there's no time for anything but driving. The longer you let the pile grow, the worse your business records are. That can spell huge trouble. Imagine a restaurant only ringing up the cash register, and never taking time to know what they're spending? If you're piling up the receipts, the mess just keeps getting bigger.
Transport Payables will immediately enable you to simplify your trucking receipts.
Good records separate truly successful truckers from those who are "winging it." Until they burn out, they have no idea where they are financially, and fade out as fast as they arrived in the business. If you're tired of that bag of receipts, and want to end receipt sorting and trucking math at home, then you've come to the right place.
Electrify that receipt pile: always know exactly where the money went. You can even speak instead of typing your receipts in with your voice!
24/7, wherever you are, you'll have private password access, with full sorting and editing power to your own private data locker.
Stop keeping bags or boxes of inaccessible, unorganized receipts. No more feeling lost about expenses.
End storing your data on your home computer. Storing and working your receipts on our computers stops the risk of losing everything at home when your computer misbehaves or crashes. Your data is locked up tight with us, and you're the only one who can see it, no matter where you are.
Now you're wondering, what is a Transport Payables data locker? Basically, it's your own private program with eight separate compartments (categories) for the storage & sifting of all your receipt information. The categories are:
1) Fuel and related purchases (including mileage entry & gallons)
2) Licensing and Fees (permits, taxes, bank/legal, accountant)
3) Loans and Financial (interest & loan depreciation)
4) Maintenance and All Repairs (all repair parts & labor costs)
5) Miscellaneous (items that don't quite fit)
6) Office and Related Services or Products (phone, all office)
7) Sundries ( oil, grease, wash, wax, etc.)
8)Tires and All Equipment (tires and related, tools, binders, etc.)
You decide which compartment stores each receipt's information. Your info can be totally edited or moved from one compartment to another, anytime you want. Always know exactly where you stand financially, enabling you to calculate the health of your business.
We'd like to show you a printed report for the full year 2015 for an actual tractor trailer, traveling on the East Coast between New Jersey and Miami, Florida. Click the red sentence below, and you'll see the printed copy of an actual locker for the whole year, showing EVERY RECEIPT. This report, printable to a computer file or paper, can be carried to an IRS or STATE agent for an audit, along with your receipts! ANY receipt can be looked up by the purchase date. After 5-10 receipts, they'll say goodbye to you and show you the door. All of the receipts in this file were entered into the data locker with a microphone. No typing...fast, detailed entry for every single receipt. Prefer to type? That works great too... Let's go to a full single-truck locker, and show you now how it looks. Simply click the next red sentence.
Click this sentence to see the printed copy of a real data locker...yours will look like this!
Notice the odometer entries for each fuel receipt (including the STATE entry). You can now track the mileage, gallons, and dollar totals. You can sort this information with your live locker any way you want, and add an odometer reading to any receipt. Want to change a category for a receipt? Just change the category. Need to correct a mistake? Then just edit the existing receipt entry. The work is done, and the receipts, along with all of the data, is now your record! Change anything for any receipt entry tomorrow or next month. Your data is always flexible.
If the IRS calls you in for an audit, are you really ready ?
Sort your receipts by category, date, and State of purchase. Know your dollar totals and fuel gallons-per-State totals for any period of time, whether daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or for the entire year. Keep up with mpg fuel mileage & gallons purchased for each State, the second being IFTA mandated.
Tax or audit time are an absolute fearless breeze!
What's the advantage of using Transport Payables? Being Internet based, you're in touch with your data anywhere you are. Enter your receipts by wireless connection, on the road, or at relatives' & friends' homes during trips. Your information is always safe and secure with our system, and secure remote access is available to you from any computer!
Our locker programs run great on Internet capable mobile devices, cable, Fios, WIFI, and on up to T1 connections. Your data is always backed up & updated on our multi-server computer drives.
Fearing an IRS / State audit for haunting questions regarding your business receipts is really over.
You'll have the ability to monitor, sort, change, and total receipts anywhere you have an Internet connection, whether you're on the road or at home.
Drastically reduce hired accounting fees with our program!
The trick is to always know where you stand expense-wise, and have the ability to provide your tax accountant, IRS, and State revenue agency with a "no-argue" detail and dollar sum of all your expenses, sifted to any sorting order you demand. It's just pure peace of mind...always.
Wave that receipt pile goodbye and sign up now. Your new locker is ready and waiting for you...
For locker prices and sign up, click this sentence!
Comments from just a few of our worry-free members:
"I actually DARE the feds or State to audit me"...Tom Browne, Boston, Ma.
"No tax audit fear! Done with all receipts, before I'm even home"...George Denners, La Jolla, Ca.
"My receipts are always up-to-date, wherever I am. What a joy to have"...Bill Meyer, Essex, Ma.
"Never knew doing the entry and sorting could be so easy"...Pierre Denson, Thonotosassa, Fl.
"For years my wife and I fretted over all those receipts. I'm always current now"...Tim Belle, L.A., Ca.
"When I get home, there's 'no more trucking homework' to do!"...Eric Haster, El Paso, Tx.
Online receipt solutions by
© 2024 Transport Payables & Sutton Power, LLC., Dadeville, Alabama
Any duplication is protected under USA copyright laws.
Visit our booth at the National Truck & Trade Shows (when they return).
Transport Payables is a 30+ year verified member of PayPal financial services.